About Me
Photo Credit (2018): Lauren Guilford Photography
Hi, Friends! I’m Misty. Photography is something I became passionate about after my first child was born and it’s continued to serve as my creative outlet throughout motherhood. It’s been such a joy to be able to capture sweet moments of my children and family as we grow. My goal, as a photographer, is to help you begin or continue your collection of memories with your family. I consider it a privilege to witness and capture some of my clients’ most intimate and special moments.
Here’s a bit more about me:
I’m a former school art teacher (age 4 through 2nd grade) and currently a stay-at-home and homeschooling mom of two girls. I love a good garage sale, road trips are awesome, and I’ve got a killer recipe for red wine cupcakes. When my girls aren’t blasting the soundtrack to Disney’s Descendants, I’m listening to podcasts! Got any recommendations? I also like to read and currently I have homeschool related or parent-support type books waiting for me on the shelf. A few personal goals: reconnect to the “me” that used to make fitness a priority before kids and who loved to run (I did a few 3k’s, 5k’s half marathons and one full marathon) and to become debt free. A few business goals: open a photography studio AND gain enough experience and skills (ahem, and guts!) to offer workshops and instruction to other photographers one day.
You can read just a tad more about me in this blog post: “Hey, there! From the gal behind the camera”
Photo Credit (2018): Lauren Guilford Photography
If you have any session related questions or any regarding locations I serve, check out my FAQ’s page.
For info on the sessions I offer along with pricing, check out my Investment page.
If you have any questions that I haven’t covered, don’t hesitate to ask. Shoot me an email here: Misty@MistyJeaninePhotography.com
Thanks for taking a few minutes to get to know me a little better and I hope to meet and work with you soon!
You can also find me on Instagram at @MistyJeaninePhotography (I’m most active here, sharing my recent sessions and a lot more about me!)
You can find me on Facebook here (LIKE!)